Learning Photography Basic Rules for Beginner and Newbie

Learning Photography Basic Rules for Beginner and Newbie

Dzargonphoto. Have you ever think about two pictures which taken at the same time but has a different taste? All of us, Photographer, understand well that photography is not a math but we still need a great calculation and concept to make a good photo or make our image look different than the other photos.

Let think about making a different photo while we have a similar camera. The ideas should be a basic rules of photography. A professional photography has mastering the rules but that was not enough. The professional put a sense on their photo but the basic rules are important.


The first learning goals for beginner photographer is Exposure. Photographing means drawing an object by using light then you have comfortable work with this. Exposure is the amount of light which comes to your camera censor or simply defined as brightness. Photographer must take a picture in balance and normal exposure that depending on the light amount around the object such as sun, lamp or anything that produce a light.

There are two problem that deals with light, those are under exposure and over exposure. Under exposure is the condition when your picture is too dark and it vice versa for over exposure. A beginner may say that condition is correctable by use Photoshop but in term of very low light and high light make your picture lost of it details.

The question remain is "How to work with exposure or how to measure the amount of light?". Actually I am not gonna tell you something about physics so I just wanna tell you that we are lucky for having modern camera. Nowadays camera, especially for digital single lens reflection camera have been equipped by light-meter which measure and regulate your camera setting work in perfect condition. It automatically change three part of your camera, those are Aperture, Shutter time and ISO. Those three commonly known as Triangle Exposure. Be sure with it, because all of photographer take a lot of deal with it.

Over Exposure and Under Exposure Photo caousing lost of photo and image details


Aperture is a light gate which connect between light from outside and censor inside. Simply analogy to represent aperture work principle is water pipe. Wide open aperture allow more light amount pass the gate than the small open aperture. The open aperture size are presented by series in Logarithmic for one Stop. Read also Explanation for Aperture and Depth of Field for more Information about aperture.

Other effect of size aperture to your image is DOF or Depth of Field. It mean the area of focus image result. Wide open aperture sizes are represented by small number F/1.0, F/1.4. F/2.0 and F/2.8 which means very sharp image but in short focus area, in other hand small open aperture sizes are represented by  large number such as F/11.0, F/16.0 and F/22.0 which means low sharp images but long focus area.

how to mastering Aperture in Photography
DOF and Aperture Open Effect on Image

Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed is the speed of sensor record the light. Long time shutter speed gives more light. Long time Shutter Speed produce motion blurring and high speed time shutter are freezing all of the object in the frame. in addition, long time shutter speed make the image shaken, so we need a tripod to shoot it in long time exposure.

Camera ISO

International Standard organization, is the quantity of Sensor sensitivity. Low number of ISO value means less sensitivity and high number of ISO value mean hihg sensityviy. In other side of this value. Low ISO value given low grain picture. The series of ISO Value are 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 and etc. It is measured in 1 stop unit. Some of camera with high price has a less grain eventhough used with high ISO. It depends on camera sensor quality.
basic photography techniques beginners

What do you want to take with your camera? Landscape photography is different between portrait and birding. Landscape photography requires a wide lens with less then 35 mm on full frame. A wide lens is available to take almost what you see with your origin eyes. it is a great reason why landscape photography needing wide lens. 

Angel is a position of camera respect to main object which you wan to take. There is no rule in photography for angle but I will try to share a simple rule to make it easy. Angle types are divided in three side, they are high angle, normal and low angle. High angle is good mode to take a landscape such as farming land, cape or everything which is beautiful enjoying from upside. low angle are designed for taking something upside of the world. Star and Building are good object to take in low angle position. Normal angle is common angle to take almost object but normal angle sometime look usual and we need a very beautiful object for make a great picture.

 Taken by Ahmad Dahlan
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photography basic composition
Low Angle

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Takne by Ahmad Dahlan
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Normal angle

Taken by Ahmad Dahlan
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 Taken by Muhammad Rafiuddin
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High Angle (perhaps)

Photography Composition

Composition in Photography is similar to 2 dimension composition in art. Refers to the basics rules, the most simple rule of composition is dividing your frame into three part or area. Take an imagine line in your frame so you will have 4 point which are located by the interception of each line. Just put your object in one of those point and take the picture.

digital photography basic terms

Actually there are a lot of rule in Photography Composition such as golden composition, mirrors, or repetition but based this article's title, we just talk about the basic one. Tips: please considering about the possible pattern that you may find on scenery before you press the shutter.