Waterscape in Gunung Kidul

Waterscape in Gunung Kidul 

Ahmadzargon. Located in Jogjakarta province, Gunung kidul is the most attractive waterscape site. There are a lot of beaches that directly face Pacific Ocean. Local peoples call it "Pantai Selatan". In this article, I just share two amazing place based on my last trip in Gunung Kidul. Those are Ngobaran Beach and Seri Getuk Water Falls. 

I highly recommend those site for anyone who loves long exposure and slow speed photography. Rocky beach and billow gives you another experience that none can explain it to you but fill it.  My last suggestion, do not ever try to swim in the sea. I swear, it does not a good idea.

At the second place is Seri Getuk Water Fall. Located 22 km from Ngobaran beach, Seri getuk and Ngobaran beach will be a good couple detonations in Gunung Kidul. In seri getuk water fall, local government has built tourism facilities such as transportation and local guide to help visitor enjoy Seri Getuk water fall.

If you are an foreign visitor and you want go here. I suggest to use local guide from Jogjakarta, they are known well as friendly people and you may bargain about the price to them.

Here is the picture sample:

Ngobaran Beach


Seri Getuk Waterfall

Seri Getuk Water Fall

Just Me,

Seri Getuk Waterfall